Choose the best ophthalmologist in Springfield

Choose the best ophthalmologist in Springfield

A vital healthcare decision is selecting an eye doctor. After all, you will entrust them with protecting your precious sense of sight and assisting you in maintaining good vision for the rest of your life. Maintain eye care with the best opthalmalogist in Springfield.

Various types of eye care professionals

Understanding the various types of eye care professionals is the first step in making your decision: ophthalmologists, optometrists, and a third “O” stand for eye care professionals: the eye doctor.

If you have eye surgery carried out by an ophthalmologist, optometrists may also be involved in your care before and after the procedure. In the UK, optometrists are not licensed or trained to perform eye surgery.

How to earn a degree in optometry?

After earning a degree in optometry, an optometrist must complete a one-year pre-registration training period under the guidance of an experienced optometrist. This includes a final evaluation of the optometry core competencies and a work-based assessment.

Register for it

Optometrists and opticians, like ophthalmologists, must regularly complete continuing education requirements to maintain their official registration and keep up with the latest guidelines for eye care.

Although dispensing opticians (DOs) are not optometrists, they are essential members of your eye care team. To fit and sell appropriate eyeglasses and other eyewear, they interpret prescriptions written by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

Dispensing opticians in the UK must complete and pass a three-year course at a recognized training institution in ophthalmic dispensing.

Main Campus-Springfield – Prairie Eye Center

Difference between an ophthalmologist and an optometrist

An ophthalmologist and an optometrist may sometimes collaborate to treat a specific eye condition. This game plan is called co-administration.

In co-management, your optometrist or other primary care eye doctor will refer you to an ophthalmologist or specialist for a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan. The ophthalmologist can treat the problem with medication, have eye surgery, or do both. The specialist will then refer you to your primary care eye doctor, who will continue to monitor and treat your condition or provide post-operative care by the specialist’s recommendations.


If you’re happy with the quality of your primary care eye doctor’s care but still want to have any medical eye conditions treated by an experienced specialist, co-management is a good option.

It is essential to seek care from an eye care professional who is highly trained and skilled in monitoring and treating your condition if you already have a medical eye condition, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts. This might imply clinical or careful eye care by a uniquely prepared ophthalmologist is required. Your optometrist may refer you to a colleague who specializes in treating your condition in such instances.

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